- Get product feedback from employees. Get precisely the right product feedback so you can make better and faster product decisions.
- Eliminate complicated sharing. Learn how to make sharing easy from the systems that employees use – Slack, Teams, Salesforce & more.
- Transform decision making. Empower everyone involved in the product with real-time feedback from employees in sales, support, and customer success.

Tammy Savage, Groopit CEO and former Microsoft product leader, found that getting real-time data from the front line is one of the biggest barriers to making rapid progress. She used her own corporate leadership experience, studied leaders trying to solve complex problems, identified a technology gap, and founded Groopit.

Christopher Hertz has 25 years of leading growth companies. As DivvyCloud CRO (acquired by Rapid7) Chris grew revenue 10x in less than four years. As New Signature CEO (acquired by Cognizant) Chris led 12 consecutive years of double-digit revenue growth.